The only thing I have learnt so far in this short span of my life is, one should never give up. No matter how tough the situation is, no matter what others say you, Don’t at all give up! Be the athlete who would do anything to win (except, obviously, the bad). Be someone who you want to be not what others describe you. It’s only you who can change your life, who can achieve the heights of success. People are going to come and go. The people who consider themselves “THE BEST” and criticise others are actually the ones who criticise themselves deep within. The ones who say bad to others, are the ones who consider themselves bad. The ones who pull others down are already at ground level. Avoid every negative thing around you. Start being brave. LEARN FIGHTING for YOUR RIGHTS. HELP those in NEED. BUT before becoming too good, consider why are you doing this. Is it because you want to be more loved? Or because you need attention? Or simply because you want to? When you come across to the right answers, you would start discovering the right things. Leave people, they are just particles of sand which keep swaying away with the direction of wind. Learn to be yourself. Learn to love yourself. Just do what you want to. Stop thinking about “log kya kahenge?” (What will others say?) Explore your talents. Do what needs to be done. Ignore people who have bad affect on you.

At the end, I would just like to mention about one of my idol, Deepika Padukone. That girl suffered from depression and “almost gave up” but yet she fought. She fought with her utmost strength. She is today, Bollywood’s biggest star and about to launch her career in Hollywood. She was never my inspiration when she debuted in “Om Shanti Om”. But when I got to know about her other side, she became one of my biggest inspiration (much much greater than King Khan).

This is the thing. Everything in this world has two sides. One, the right one & the other, the wrong one. One should never give up because time heals everything and would not be the same through out your life. Give yourself time, motivation & love yourself. After doing those, you would begin seeing the world very differently, something like you have never considered worth seeing & something worth loving.

Like always,

With love & hugs,

Vanshika Pansari❤️

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