A never ending pain, Depression

She screamed, “Save me!! I’m dying!! I don’t want to die!! Help me!!!” She was lying in the hospital bed with her hand covered with bandages. Her parents were dumbstruck when they heard her shouting like that, suddenly. She had just been brought to the hospital about 2 hours ago. Only she knew about the pain she was enduring. It was like she wanted to live but the void in her heart never let her live. Not even a single day passed when she didn’t cry or when she didn’t think bad about herself. The void was the problem of everything in her life. Little did her parents know about what she was going through. Little did she do to make them realise about it.

After when she screamed like that, her parents came back to their senses. They searched for the best counsellor or psychologist. When asked to the psychologist, she answered, “it’s all because of Depression”. So, they did everything they can and brought back their princess, happy. When asked about what happened to their princess, she said, it was all because of that unfamiliar void and ache in her heart. The void kept on expanding day after day. She felt like she cannot live. She felt like everything’s over. She felt like she should die to end that particular void in her heart. She felt like somebody is blocking her nose and she can’t breath. She felt like she can’t smile at all. Days seemed longer and nights even longer. She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t feel like she is being loved. She was helpless. She couldn’t find the inner peace she used to feel within herself. She didn’t know why she used to have strong urges to cry & cry & cry. Her doomless days when all she could do was stop herself from crying. Depression led to insomnia which made this problem even worse. Worser than anyone can imagine. She couldn’t even escape her thoughts at night. She said to her parents that she already knew that all these things were because of depression and when she talked about it, people began exclaiming, “Depression? Oh yes! She’s becoming mad!”, “You should not be depressed about such petty things”, “Depression is nothing. Stop being so depressed” and also she heard a girl saying “Depression me jo log hota h, unnlog ko pata hi nahi hota ki unnlog kya kar raha h” (The ones who are in depression, don’t even know what they are doing). As if having depression means you are mad, at the end.

The causes of her depression? Bullying. She was so tortured, so humiliated, so emotionally frustrated that all these things actually led her to depression, anxiety attacks & insomnia! She was tortured for things, she didn’t even realise, would have been such a big cause for everything she suffered. What things was she tortured for? Her fat belly, her hairy hands & legs, the abnormal shape of her legs. When she deserved everything in this world. For the kind of soul she had, she has always done good to others. And yet she was tortured. She could have died. And no, no one, who has ever suffered from this trauma, is mad. They know what they are doing. They are just going through a mental trauma, nothing else. Depression cannot be described as “people getting mad”. People should get their facts clear. They just couldn’t handle the amount of pain the world is giving them.

This is the thing. People don’t understand, what they make others go through because of their “ONLY FOR FUN” activities. They can never understand what others are going through until and unless they begin suffering the same.

Realise it, love people, make earth a better place to live in for you don’t know how many lives you would be saving by making yourself change. Plus, what you sow, so shall you reap. There’s karma in the end for doing her dirty task & God for giving justice. So, realise it before karma & God do the same with you.
With lots of love & positive energy,

Vanshika Pansari☆

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